I had never heard the term "upcycle" until recently through the wild world of blogging I am sure all of you already know about this, but for any of you who need an explanation like I did; it is when you take something plain, old, or plain old ugly and make it new. It is like recycling but with more work. This is a new concept for me. I am trying to make my life more and more sustainable, but I don't usually re-do old things. I give them away (or throw away if appropriate). And when I sew, I sew from scratch.
In late February, I decided to give it a try. I had some outdated uniforms laying around (I don't know why I saved them) and decided to make something for my eldest, Abi.
First, I hit the drawing board and started designing. I have a wonderful cad based pattern software (WildGinger) that I use and I started creating a jacket and pants. The jacket is a cross between a classic denim style and military look. The pants I made into skinny jeans with a sailor front. Both incorporated techniques that were new for me so I was quite excited to get to work.

Next, I started construction. The jacket was coming together wonderfully... I was topstiching and assembling to my heart's content.
Then, I looked at a mostly done project and it looked DULL. I am talking boring. So, I started taking pictures with all sorts of buttons, trims, and other accessories and sending them to Mc H and M. I asked for their opinions so I could figure out what could make this thing come alive. Finally, there was a consensus that shiny buttons, shocking pink embroidery and ruffles were in order. I mean, what goes better with cammo than pink and gold with ruffles?
Now for the pants. These silly things did not go so well. The only good thing I could say is that I learned how to make a sailor style button front. They fit Abi horribly and she hated them. So I ripped out the side seems, let them out, and added cuffs. They still fit Abi horribly and she hated them more. So, after wasting several days on these crazy pants, I decided they had to be salvaged. I cut them off at the crotch and made them a skirt! I had some pink fabric that was a near perfect match of the thread I used for the embroidery on the jacket so I cut out a large rectangle and gathered it to fit what was left of the pants. I then made a longer skinny rectangle, folded it in half and ruffled it. I then attached it to the bottom of the skirt to create a ruffled hem.
Abi wore them both the next day at school. That is the best test of whether the kids like an outfit; is it wear the next day worthy. This outfit took way more time and endurance than I am used to but I did learn a lot.
- shinny buttons can bring a dull outfit to life
- sailor pants are fun and pretty easy once you learn how
- I am a "make it from scratch" kind of gal. I don't think there will be too much upcycling in my future.
But, now I am faced with upcycling again. In preparation for this week I ordered some organic fabric. But the material for the top is out of stock and the rest arrived only yesterday. So I am adjusting my plan for this week. I am using a t-shirt I got for $1 on clearance for my "upcycle" and the organic fabric that arrived to make shorts and a t-shirt for the boy. This gives me two evenings to sew it up, take pictures, and post to the PRP site.
Can it be done?
To be continued....
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