Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rooting for crows

I'm rooting for the Crows....

We see a lot of eagles here at our home.  They look so majestic, they soar high above us, looking like they own the sky.   But because of their beauty I think that we forget that they are the top of the food chain, the top predator in our lovely area.  So whats a little bird to do when one of these fearsome giants flies by their home? 

Chase him away of course....

I watched these crows send this big guy away. They dove and attacked, I saw them hitting the eagle on his wings... Go eat somewhere else Mr Eagle...

So who is the giant predator in your life?  Do you hunker down and hide?  Or do you go on the offensive and attack that giant at great risk to yourself?

So that's why I am rooting for the crows.

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