Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pay no attention to the man holding the Quilt

Our Mother needed to blog.  Major Mama and myself, McH, decided to help.  A couple of weeks ago Mom posted on Facebook this picture. The caption said it all. 

"Pay no attention to the man holding the quilt." 

 So Major Mama being the oldest and control freak of the family grabbed the pic and wrote a small paragraph about it.  McH joined in the fun and now we have a blog for our Mom. 
Next week we plan on posting something extremely embarrassing about Winocologist if she doesn't get her rear in gear and blog.
Major M is in Bold.  McH in Italics
My mother made this quilt for the youngest of us girls, Winocologist.  She used mostly fabrics from her stash which is slowly being used up.  She has been diligent in her effort to use what she owns, and not buy more.  I love how most of it is blue but there is that pink stuff creeping in from the corner.
Of course when she needed a picture of it, she asked her husband (our father) to help Wino hold it up.
He could not simply stand there... he had to be goofy.  This is typical.

This is not just typical, this is the story of our life.   If you take a jaunt down memory lane  and open the many albums and boxes of pictures throughout the years, you find this one consistent.  Our dad is weird.  My friends after meeting my dad for the first time then end up looking at me with more understanding.  What can I say, weird is hereditary.
Dad is the person who makes the jokes that everyone groans to.  He even won a talent contest doing fake magic tricks. But most of all he is known for his rubber face and funny pictures. 
Our family has an entire set of photos we call the "dad with something on his head" series.  The most famous is the one at Major Mama's wedding with a plastic swan on his head. 
Mom takes it in stride that her husband is an odd duck.  She chose him after all.  Not to mention she was his lovely assistant in that famous magic show.  So when she took a picture of the beautiful quilt she made for my sister it did not surprise her when she downloaded it to see that dad was once again
was being funny. 
So pay no attention to the man holding the quilt.  He is just dad, being weird and proud of his wife and her beautiful work. 

1 comment:

Like everyone, we love comments; mostly because it is not a conversation without you! So please, let us know what you think and what you are up to.

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