Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Crocheting Star Wars Episode 2

Pin It Earlier I talked about and attempted to share a Periscope broadcast of my crocheted Star Wars figures that I made from the Lucy Collin book my husband gave me.  (I am slowly figuring out how to use Periscope and save the videos.)

Well, I just wanted to show you pictures of all of them done.

Lucy Collins book

from Lucy Collins book

from Lucy Collins book

Princes Leia

Wicket the Ewok

Luke Skywalker


Han Solo

Darth Vader

I have not yet done Chewbaca or Bobo Fet.  They are on the list but probably wont be started until the fall.  I have a lot going on right now with my new Etsy store so the purely entertaining crocheting will have to wait a bit.

Thank you for letting me be apart of your day! Did you know I have an Etsy shop? Well I do and there I sell handmade home decor. Come on by and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. that storm trooper!!! So stinking cute. I cannot bene begin to imagine all of the work that went into making these, well done!


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